Quotes Indie

If you think you’re a fan, then you are a fan.
Don't you give up, don't you mess up..because I won't.

You have to get up, and try, try, and try...

Happy Val's...Oops

Happy Late Valentine's day!! So sorry I couldn't update this blog.. I was too busy sharing Love outside. I'm kidding of course. *sigh*

So this year, Valentine's day has been criticized a lot by many of my Indo friend.
They, whom pretend to be Muslims, couldn't bear the idea of celebrating February 14th! You all have no idea how those people (called "my friends") made me laugh with all their arguments and bla bla bla. Enough sh*t man! I'm happy that you all wanted to speak up. But meyyn, you all were overloading my Facebook homepage. Kreji.

I'm gonna list some arguments that they have shared.

  •  "We should "share" our love every single day, not only on February 14th." (OMG duh! You don't need to write that, everybody already knows...unless you're...anyway!)
  • "Muslims don't celebrate Valentine's day, but they do celebrate Maulid on February 15th" (No comment. Okay, I just have/want to add something. I would totally celebrate both of these events. Haha.)
  • "Why celebrating Valentine's day? You know the real story right?" (If you don't, go ask Google)
I thought there were more arguments. I probably forgot them. Haha.

Nevertheless, I still got friends who think that all these things are bullsh*t. Yay!  Let's say, I have this friend who lives in Bandung. We surely have discussed V day and she told me this: "Why are they all complaining? If there weren't Valentine's day, where would all the florists in the world collect extra money? And why do not they criticize when everybody buy trumpets and firecrackers for new year's eve?!" Good point. It may be noted that Valentine's day is not a religious thing anymore, it's a commercial thingy. :p Let's just... chill, okay.

Happy Valentine's day again! Have a nice day everyone!

Check out this video. You probably have seen it. But hey, it's funny. ;)

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