Lima belas tahun setelah sepasang adik kakak hampir terbunuh oleh seorang penyihir, Hansel & Gretel sekarang menjadi pemburu yang melacak dan membunuh penyihir di seluruh dunia. Sebagai pendekatan Bulan Darah dongeng, saudara kandung menemukan bentuk baru dari kejahatan yang mungkin memegang rahasia masa lalu mereka.
Hansel and Gretel ini bukan film dongeng biasa. Sejak awal keluarnya film ini, udah di peringatkan bahwa film tersebut dikhususkan buat dewasa. Tidak hanya sekali saja tempat pemutaran film memberitahu kalau Hansel and Gretel bukan film yang pantas di tonton oleh anak-anak. Penasaran dong gue. Alhasil, gue cari trailernya.
The plot is actually not that extraordinary. But the scenes show a lot of violence, gore. There were also scenes of sex and nudity. But, seriously, that was a small part of the movie, because the rest was just violence. It could be noted, that the film maker did a pretty good job in making me uncomfortable, especially when it comes to blood. =))
Some people might say that the movie destroys their childhood. But, again, this is not a fairy tale And I think people have to remember that this is not supposed to be seen by kids. So I personally don't see the problem. Haha.
Good review Marsya. At times it's good to watch for sheer mindless fun. On the other this film lacks anything truly engaging and fun.